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no more school runs :-(

Remember when you dropped your child off at school for the first time? That little body wobbling through the door of the school door with their bag into a new world for them? It’s a moving time for most parents, but here’s a story about the other end as my son achieves freedom from L-plates, and the joy and what is like to share good stuff with others.On 7th May 2014 my delightful 17 year old son passed his driving test (first time!). On that day, I took my son to school for the last time. No longer do I need to go over to Wymondham College to pick him up. That little part of my regular routine has come to an end. It’s a time that is both tinged with a little sadness as no longer will I look forward with anticipation to seeing him turn up for the journey home.

My son Peter, now 17, and free from L-plates!

To highlight the obvious, he’s growing up! In a short time he will be also leaving home, heading off for the next stage of his life (probably at University).  It’s a bit weird to see ones ‘baby’ becoming an adult, then venturing out into the outside world independent of Mum and Dad.

Kids from the local community taking over my Vespa.

However, it’s a time of great joy because the adventures of life are opening up. Freedom to travel, freedom to explore, freedom to have their own adventures. Many of us can remember our first trip with friends in our first car. It’s a wonderful time, and to know my son is about to experience those things fills me with joy. It’s like giving an old toy to a child who can experience the joy it brought you. In fact, when kids from the local community come around my house to play, it’s one of the most wonderful feelings. To see them in joyful abandonment is such a blessing. Furthermore, it’s a real joy to feel as though you may have contributed in creating that scene (for example the tree swing in my garden).

It reminds me as an adult, we are in a unique opportunity to create great memories for those around us, particularly young people. We can build swings and ramps, let them sit on ones scooter to pretend they are off on an adventure, to offer them the things that once gave us such joy. In doing so, we also receive the kind of joy that a child receives on rediscovering an old toy that they used to love.

This was highlighted recently whilst serving at a local fair, helping make and launch water rockets. Whilst it was a long day, to be a part of something that gave many kids (and to be fair, their parents too) an opportunity to experience something like this was wonderful. To watch them build their water rockets, load them up with ‘rocket fuel’ and launch them over the hedge of the bowling green was excellent. Like building a rope swing, a ramp or playing on a Vespa with them was such a delight. It was also wonderful to see a friend entertaining the local children:

St Thomas’ Tommy the Tiger enjoying a sit down (but not a rest!)

So, I invite you all to might read this to do something to bless others, and have lots of fun on the way.