Loving the Light show!
Dear Council.
I know many people have complained about the various road schemes in Norwich but wanted to write a complimentary letter to say thank you for the increasing abundance of traffic lights you have so wonderfully installed. I am convinced there must be a Mr Traffic Light working for you, he’s doing an amazing job of calming traffic (if not the drivers). In fact, I’d say he is doing an amazing job of not just calming things, but bringing traffic to a complete halt.
You see, I love traffic lights, that naughty red light, the tantalising orange, and that freedom releasing green. And I love the way you’ve made so many traffic queues around the lights, blocked off roads so that more and more people can enjoy the lights not being too distracted by traffic actually flowing through the junction.
I actually ride a Vespa, so I am in a privileged position to go to the front of the traffic queues when I can’t wait to gaze at the red lights. I’ve given up driving my car in the city because I cannot get to the next set of traffic lights quick enough.
Mr Traffic Light’s piece de resistance is definitely Chapelfield roundabout. I mourn the time when the traffic lights fail and traffic actually flows around naturally. It doesn’t give me enough time to enjoy the red lights.
And what I especially love is the speed at which the traffic lights change. Just allowing 1 or 2 poor cars through when there are hundreds queuing behind them enjoying the light show. Maybe Creative Norwich can come up with a catchy tune in time with the lights, so people can dance in their seats to the disco traffic lights?
I especially love the new pedestrian crossings! I love to sit and watch the confused pedestrians trying to figure out where that cheeky little red or green man is. I especially love the bewildered faces of newcomers to this fine city. I must admit, even the regular near misses when confused pedestrians step out when they shouldn’t adds a little excitement to my red traffic light watching.
On a financial note, I am so thankful that Mr Traffic Light has helped me save thousands each year. I used to spend lots in Norwich, but now I simply get stuck in traffic for ages, then go home without spending a penny. The tens of millions of pounds spent on traffic lights has helped me save thousands!
I have a pedestrian confession to make. The other day on foot I pressed the button on the crossing and stood there waiting. I didn’t realise that by standing there nobody else could see if it is safe to cross. A Chinese lady nearly got run over. I want you to forgive me my sin of pushing that button and not pointing her to the sign that told here where she should have been looking.
I think you should be especially pleased with the The Ber Street/Finklegate lights, and the new ones on Carrow Road. They have really increased the traffic queues allowing more and more people to enjoy the lights. I peer in my mirror and I can see those faces of anticipation of getting closer to the lights. It is very exciting.
So thank you Mr Traffic Lights, I’ve attached a picture of me with my very own red/green man light thrown away when you spent millions of pounds improving traffic light watching in Norwich. It’s from a time when it was all too obvious when someone could cross the road safely. It has a special place in my heart. The new ones must have a special place in the hearts of other pedestrians – it helps raise that heartbeat of fear and excitement when crossing the road.
Yours lovingly
Martin from Trowse.