looking forward to christmas!
I never thought I’d say this, but actually I am looking forward to Christmas this year! It’s not exactly going to be a normal one. For a start, I am off to Norway in December with my son to go mushing in the snow with a chap I bumped into in a church in Greece…
Then the day after I return, I’m off to Scotland with my dear wife for Christmas. So in some ways, I’m having a white Christmas in the snow’s of Norway, then another cold one in a cottage up in Scotland with my wife.
Funny thing is, there is a part of me that thinks that because I’ve brushed up on my dog skills since having the pup learn to sit, wait, paw and do other things in command, that I’ll soon pick up on how to lead a team of 10 or so huskies. I can’t help feel that it won’t help hugely, unless all the huskies spend most of their time sitting down, lifting up a leg and not wanting to crack on at 100mph across fresh snow.
An English Rose, a ‘Welsh’ Mr Rogers, South African Tracy, Feebee and Leia.
I am not the greatest fan of the customary family gathering, and to be honest, I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than go Christmas shopping. Still this year, we’re doing something that sounds perfect – kind of getting away from Christmas! Yay!! What tickles me is that we’re going to be an unusual blend of very different people any animals, staying in a place full of weird accents and hopefully Scottish whiskies.
I can’t help but feel slightly sad at the thought of either the Xmas excess or that family routine that swings by so slowlybefore the 25th, yet evaporates into ‘what was that about?’ the instant the shops return to some normality on boxing day. Yet this year, I am actually really looking forward to some chilling out, good company, both human and canine, and lots of laughter away from the madness that modern day Xmas has manufactured for our delight.