Things I made in 2016
With a few bits of wood and a couple of tools, here’s some of the things I made this summer without spending much. Hope it inspires others to have a go!
With a few bits of wood and a couple of tools, here’s some of the things I made this summer without spending much. Hope it inspires others to have a go!
There used to be a time everyone believed the Earth was at the the centre of the Universe. It was a ‘scientific fact’. Then a naughty chap called Copernicus suggested it wasn’t, backed up a dude called Galileo just a few years after Copernicus died. They were are told off, ridiculed, persecuted and in no doubt told they were naughty chaps to challenge the status quo. Read more
Dear Council.
I know many people have complained about the various road schemes in Norwich but wanted to write a complimentary letter to say thank you for the increasing abundance of traffic lights you have so wonderfully installed. I am convinced there must be a Mr Traffic Light working for you, he’s doing an amazing job of calming traffic (if not the drivers). In fact, I’d say he is doing an amazing job of not just calming things, but bringing traffic to a complete halt. Read more
For most of my life I was an atheist, wholeheartedly believing in the ‘scientific fact’ of evolution. I was told it was true right from the start of my education, through to studying molecular biology at University.
About 25 years ago, the term ‘going off grid’ was first used to signify disconnecting from some future network that connected everything to everything, before the internet was what it now is. Almost like a prophecy, it signified people breaking their 24/7 global connection, becoming more local, more connected with what was around you at any given time and less connected to what wasn’t.